Tuesday, March 4, 2008

You are Amzaing

amzaing .. just amazing
her kindness is her tuffness , her laughness is her wise tearing , her soul is her smartness
fulling you by many questions
amazing , just amazing she is
is not just a matter of beauty only , even that the her beauty is a big trouble for me
amazing , amazing
every thing in her is natural , or non natural is more that you could expect in a dream
amazing , yes amazing
is she real or just a dream , is she possible or impossible , she is not easy to be getting
like a mountin you will be so nice to view but tuff to climb
why every wonder in this world have somthing related to her
really amazing
ohh my loving starts , and my ending of suffers
thank god for that angel i have
its like a dream land
why my cold life did feel warm only with u , why my eyes cant see thing in life only ur brightness
more beautiful than dreams that the answers for all questions
yes amazing

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